Saturday, April 15, 2017


The scilla are the first flowers to bloom around here. I love them because they spread vigorously, and show up in seas of blue in the gardens, and in many places have crept out into the lawn, and make pools of color in unexpected places as well, including my kitchen window, because the girls just can't resist picking handfuls of them after a winter of nothing!

Even down in the side of the yard where we staged construction supplies for a strong year, maybe two, and silt and junk so destroyed the grass that we had to start over with sod, they are peeking their little blue heads up through towards the sunlight and although that mass of them is not as strong, I have a feeling it will be just a few years and it will be almost back to where it was.

This neglected garden at the top of the driveway is incredible this time of year:
I love how it ties in with the blue swings in the background!

Here a tiny one shoots up next to the well pump cover...

 Next to come will be the bluebells - their tiny pinky-purple buds are just starting to show up.

Friday, April 14, 2017

First ones in

It's a little frivolous, but Leah and I spent a little bit of my birthday money two weeks early and picked out a few pansies. With a garden season approaching where I don't think I'll get as much time to putter as I do some years, it seemed as though starting with a pop of color early would help to ease it out. Three 8-packs later, I've got enough to spread around a few key places in the garden. Today Evania helped me put some around Reuben's crab-apple tree in the new front garden between our driveway and the neighbors' while we waited for Krassimir and Reuben's bus to drop them off from school.