Wednesday, August 29, 2018


We found a swallowtail caterpillar, affectionately named "Carrots", on our dill earlier this summer, and after careful feeding had a successful chrysalis, followed by a butterfly!

Bridget is very much on her last legs (she's 19 this summer!) and it was a joy to have her follow us down to the dill where we released Carrots. She's old and frail, but still living her life.

Monday, August 13, 2018


This was not a year for planting anything, but we appreciated a few volunteers. The front garden between the driveways sprouted a mini-pumpkin vine, and Reuben and I (with some help at the end from Gloria) picked ten mini pumpkins yesterday. The vine dried up early - not sure why - but we've still got 10 babies fully orange on there.
 And, courtesy of my phone without any intention on my part, here's a photo of the larger pumpkin plant (still green) a little further down, next to the dill that seeded itself last fall. We've enjoyed that fresh addition to our lunches here and there, and also found "Carrots" the caterpillar, which just over the weekend formed his chrysalis.