Wednesday, June 21, 2017

The tomatoes and cabbage are all in

Thanks to my two little helpers (and our friend Carrie who was inside with the rest of the little people so I had enough continuous time to do it!) we finally on the first day of summer have the rest of the tomato plants in the soil.

I had Evania help me carry one of the packs of plants, and I took the other three, leaving two that I figured we'd come back for later.

Gloria had other ideas. Here she is toddling around behind us!

And Evania's getting good enough with a shovel to be a real helper. Gloria just wanted to wander around holding clods of dirt.

And after lunch, Leah and I were able to scoot out and throw in the rest of the cabbage and broccoli - woo hoo! All of the veggies that we had purchased are in the ground!

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