Tuesday, May 28, 2024


 Years ago (5? 6? more??) a friend working at a garden center gave us a wisteria at the end of the season. Apparently, wisteria is known for being rather agressive, so the recommendation is to actively deadhead to prevent seeds from spreading. 

Our wisteria, however, for years grew only leaves; I figured it was maybe just too cold of a climate for it to truly thrive here, and was content with that - it is filling up a dead corner of the shed very nicely.

But THIS spring, we've got buds! And they're starting to open! I'm both really excited for how pretty it's going to be and also a little apprehensive - will we be able to stay on top of it?? I hope so!

And, speaking of the shed, the peonies are blooming beautifully - one of my favorite times is when those big, exuberant, old-fashioned peonies sparkle against the old, faded shed.

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