Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Evania's first garden

Gardening with my girls is one of my favorite things to do.

This year is Evania's first year to put in a garden. She picked out a 6 pack of annuals with some of her birthday money, and we are having her plant it at the base of "her" crabapple tree.

 Even before being "pollinator friendly" was a big thing, we have had a diverse lawn. Although I have no love for creeping charlie, I do enjoy many of the other broadleaf plants that are spread all over the yard - violets, scilla, clover, and can't bring myself to approve of chemicals on the yard to create a monoculture. That means dandelions and other thrive alongside violets this time of year. And children. Don't have to worry about them eating the dandelions in our yard!

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