Monday, May 15, 2017

What's blooming now?

A new addition to the gardens this year - a gift from my grandpa - bits and pieces from his flower garden, in the form of giant allium bulbs, garlic starts, and a variety of perennial seeds. I have wanted giant allium for years, but it's hard to justify spending too much money on the gardens when I have so much plant material already, and so often get new things from friends who are splitting things, so I prefer the challenge of waiting to see what comes. That makes these even more delightful!

Also blooming at this time of year is the impossible-to-get-rid-of-once-established periwinkle...though it's so beautiful this time of year that it's hard to imagine really ever wanting to get rid of it! And on the right, a bounty of blossoms on just one branch of just one of our new blueberry bushes. We're excited to nibble and bake this summer!

In the front garden by the curve of the driveway, I have one volunteer wild columbine, and a single Japanese peony blossom. In the background, you can see the traditional peonies beginning to form their buds.

And back along the west edge of the yard, my larger clump of fern-leaf peonies is very, very happy. You can't even tell that Sam and Sylv dug some up last year to move into their yard!

So, that's a taste of what's blooming this mid-May day in our Motley Garden.

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