Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The veggie garden halfway through June

Matt and I agree this has got to be one of the best vegetable gardens we've ever had:

From left to right and back to front...
  • tomatoes on a new trellis (including some purple ones from our neighbors!)
  • the rhubarb 
  • (back) pumpkins and squashes on the three vertical trellis
  • (also back) two dozen tomato plants on the new this year trellises
  • corn
  • (back) pepper plants (hot and sweet) and cylindrical pole bean trellises (eight of them) with a sunflower in the center of each one, and two late-planted rounds of cucumber with the apple tree in the middle of it all
  • potatoes - three varieties
  • (back) four zucchini plants
  • fenced area #1 with two cabbage, beets, parsnips, lettuce and carrots...and a rogue hydrangea that we're not sure where to put for real yet
  • (back) the "sun" section of our potted perennial nursery for next year's plant sale, partially shaded under the crabapple tree
  • a dozen roma-type tomatoes
  • (back) cucumbers on a trellis that's a *little* too shaded (thus the late planted ones mentioned earlier)
  • onions (white, red, and yellow)
  • fenced area #2 with brussels sprouts, radishes, two different kinds of bush beans (one for fresh, one for drying), kale, broccoli, and eleven very happy red and green cabbage plants. And a few more carrots and parsnips
  • (back) one row of potatoes that didn't fit in the main section, next to thirty gladiolus
  • two trellises (the old ones) with a dozen tomato plants each
  • three more zucchini and some garlic
  • and on the shed, which you can't see, more pole beans and a row of bush beans in front.
  • You can just see the edge of the blueberry patch on the lower left of the photo, and some of the raspberries on the lower right.
It's a good garden.

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